Saturday, 1 March 2008


As I end up doing every week, I've looked in the Guardian's Weekend section to see what the photo competition for the week is. Every week, on the last page of the Weekend supplement, they give out a single word, as a theme for a photographic competition, and show the results from the word given out two weeks previously. The deadline is very short - the word is announced on Saturday, and the competition closes on Tuesday at noon, so although there's not usually enough time to fit in a new photo, there's usually enough time for a quick trawl of my archive on my flickr page. As you may have ascertained from the title, this week's theme is Technology - and I think I have a couple of potential entries on this theme.

Here are a couple I'm thinking of posting in:

Viewer - My flatmate's lovely old TV, viewed through my lovely old Seagull TLR Camera.


Overview - Work colleague Angela taking a picture with her phone from the top of BT Tower, London


1-2-4-5-7-8-*-0 - Dust and cobwebs cover this phone box in Bentpath, Dumfriesshire, largely outdated now by the widespread use of mobile phones


Tagged - Old-fashioned MDF Block at Colintraive Telephone Exchange, Argyll.


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