Wednesday, 27 August 2008

In Heathrow

In A Place With No Name

The journey's started off pretty nicely so far. Just sitting in Heathrow killing some time at the moment, which is nice. Main things on my mind at the moment are wondering what I'm going to have for lunch, and how much my inner five year old is enjoying watching all the big aeroplanes flying up into the sky!

Flight down was pretty uneventful, which was exactly what I was hoping for. Apart from a mildly annoying kid in the seat next to me, all was nice and calm. I was quite amazed in Glasgow airport this morning though. I got in at about 7:20, got through check in, and went upstairs to the wetherspoons for a fried breakfast. At 7:30, I was amazed just how many people had started their drink intake for the day. I mean, a pint of Stella before most of the world is even awake... what's that about? Don't fancy being sat next to him on a long-haul!

But anyway, nobody's stolen my camera yet, I even managed to get the standard out-the-window shots from the plane of some nice fluffy clouds and the wings. Just hoping now that I'll see my rucksack when I get to the other end...

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Jobless Über Alles!

As you may or may not be aware, I used to work for BT, then decided to take a redundancy package and go away to New Zealand for a while with the proceeds. I thought the limbo period between quitting and actually getting on the plane would be incredibly tedious and boring, but in fact, I can't remember having quite so much fun for a long time!

At first there was a lot of photography getting done, which was very enjoyable. Meeting up with the similarly jobless Sara and spending whole days just snapping away is excellent fun. She got herself a nice new Nikon D80, and she's been getting some pretty ace results with it so far.

Of course, not having to get up for work in the morning has meant that trips to the pub have been coming thick and fast. On one of these nights, we'd been having a few cans of the almighty Super T at John and Dunc's flat, and decided it'd be a really good idea to go camping the next day. The next day, as promised, we managed to haul our sorry behinds down to Ardrossan and jumped on the Calmac boat to Arran for what turned out to be a pretty ace wee holiday. We spent two nights camped at the fantastic Glen Rosa campsite in my trusty Black's tent, complete with high-tech LED lighting system. Activities participated in included regular walks to the Brodick Co-op for bacon rolls, Crazy Golf, and a bus journey round the island, broken up with a few beers in Blackwaterfoot.

Hole In OneThe Crazy Golf didn't stop there though, as just a couple of days ago, I had the opportunity to play on what is supposedly Europe's largest crazy golf course, out at Xscape at Braehead. The courses maybe didn't quite have some of the craziest features on offer (whit, nae windmills!?!), but with 36 holes to play, we certainly got a fair bit of playing done. Of course, fresh from my experience on the infinitely more difficult Brodick course, I gave Sara a bit of a thrashing, coming in at one under and three under in the two 18-hole games we played.