Tuesday, 10 February 2009


Don't Stop Moving

So, this may be my last update from Wellington for a while. I'm planning to leave this weekend (Sunday 15th Feb) and head off on an adventure to the South Island.

Things have been going pretty cool here - the house I'm staying in is great, and the work's been pretty cool too. I even managed to find a colleague with a similar taste for horrible doom metal, which was nice!

Biggest problem so far has been the van over the last couple of days. First of all, some b*****ds tried breaking into it. Thankfully, the most valuable items inside were the road atlas and a cheapo rugby ball, so they didn't bother taking anything. They did attempt to hotwire it by the looks of things, but thankfully didn't go all the way through with it. They also seem to have tried to nick the radio, which beggars belief, as it's crap and doesn't actually do much due to having a cassette adaptor jammed in it! It does even less now that they tried to remove it, as it's now reverted to "security code" mode. Of course, I don't have the code, and I'm certainly not willing to shell out for ford to reset my code or buy a new hifi to listen to music through some crappy tinny speakers!

I'll be getting some new locks for the doors soon (the burglars damaged the locks in the break-in), and it's just got a whole new set of tyres on board, so hopefully I'll be all rockin' and ready to go come the weekend

Chess Girl

In other news, I've just picked up a super cheap Nikon FM film camera body, so I reckon the Olympus Rangefinder will have to go to make room for it. I had been borrowing a Holga for a wee while, but I'm definitely not a big fan. It'd be a great camera for a few quid, but it's proper crap for the money the lomographic society like to charge for them. To put it into context - over here a Holga is $169 NZD, where my FM body was only $99, and it's renowned as one of the most solid camera bodies ever built.

I also went to check out an excellent photographic exhibition earlier on today, quite by accident. Or maybe it was fate? The exhibition was in the Bowen Gallery on Ghuznee Street and Featured photographs of Antarctica by Wellington photographers Mike Wilkinson and Grant Sheehan. I had been reading a lot about Antarctic exploration on the internet recently, and decided I really want to go there at some point if I possibly can. I had just decided to go for a wander and take some pictures around the city on my way home from work via a different route from usual, and found the Gallery, which I didn't even know was there before. So that was cool. The exhibition details are all here on NZLive.com. Just a nice wee sly plug for my work and all that!

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