I'm very very happy now, because yesterday, I went and picked up my new Epson Perfection 4490 Scanner, which means all those little silly images that I uploaded to flickr as poor-quality contact sheets, can now be seen in their full glory. It makes me happy!
I scanned my first roll of 35mm last night, which was kinda nice. Thankfully it was one of the rolls I'd made a bit better a job of in the developing stages, so the scans all came out pretty nicely. I think the plan for tonight is to try and get another roll scanned, and just keep gradually builing up a nice wee archive. At the moment, I'm only scanning at half the maximum resolution to keep times and file sizes down for scanning everything, but I reckon I'll just crank it to max for anything where I need that wee bit extra quality.
The developing's been going mostly OK so far, I had a wee bit of a worry when I changed developers from Ilfosol to Ilfotec HC - the methods of mixing are a bit different, but thankfully the Ilford data sheet came in very handy. I'm just hoping my Ilfotec "stock" mix keeps OK in its current container. I'll also have to get my backside in gear and develop the backlog that's currently building up of films that I need to process. And to think when I first got my developing gear, I actually rushed out the house and shot off a roll just for the sake of having something to develop!
Next challenge is to see about maybe moving outside my HP5 comfort zone. So far I've decided to shoot nothing but HP5, due to it being very widely available and a lot of people saying it's quite a "forgiving" film to work with. Last night I was shooting a gig, so I decided to pop a roll of Fuji Neopan 1600 through, so we'll see how that turns out. Also very tempted to try experimenting with pushing HP5, although I've heard it's pretty bad at 1600.
I'm sure there'll be plenty of photos on my Flickr Page (www.flickr.com/photos/twentyhertz) coming soon for anyone who cares to read this to see how I'm doing :)
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