Thursday, 9 July 2009

Waiting For Film

Photo by Sara MacGregor

Waiting for film has to be one of the most frustrating things about photography for me. Don't get me wrong, I love getting the films back from processing, but it's that anxious spell in between that gets to me!

At present, waiting is what I'm doing a lot of. I've shot about twelve rolls on my Hasselblad since returning from Hong Kong, and now I just need to get around to processing them so that I can see if I'm doing things right or not.

I'm living in Fife at the moment. That basically means I don't have a lab near me that does medium format film, which kinda stinks. Edinburgh's the nearest city that would have the facilities, but my biggest problem is that I don't know or trust any labs there to handle my colour processing. Thankfully though, I do know some labs through in Glasgow who do medium format processing, and even though I live about 70 miles away, I've opted to use Glasgow for my films. I use a wee place called Snappy Snaps on Byres Road, in the West End of the city. It sounds a wee bit like a cheesy holiday-snaps kinda shop, but their range of services is actually pretty great, even doing traditional black and white processing. Unfortunately their staff are a bit crap and unfriendly, but for convenience, I guess you have to put up with these sort of things.

There are (to my knowledge) only two other labs who do medium format film in Glasgow - Loxley Colour at Port Dundas and B&S Imaging in Govan. Loxley do a premium service with the prices to match, and are just a wee bit too out of the way to quickly drop films off to. B&S are more aimed at large-scale commercial operations, but their services are almost on a par of those of Loxley's, but at much more reasonable prices. Unfortunately however, B&S is really out of the way, being out in an industrial estate in Govan.

Labs though, are only necessary for colour processing, since I have all of the kit necessary to process black and white films here at home. It's been a good while since I've done any processing, but I'm looking forward to getting started again. I've decided to change films and developers since last time, to see if I can hopefully get some better results. I had previously been shooting almost exclusively on Ilford HP5 and processing with Ilfotec HC, but I'd found HP5 to be a bit wishy-washy and lacking the real punch I like from my images. In the last year of shooting, I've developed a real love for Kodak TMax 100 & 400 films, so I've fired through a load of TMax 400 over the past couple of weeks.

I've also decided to go with Kodak TMax Developer too - mostly because of how much easier it is to mix than Ilfotec HC. Ilfotec is a 1+31 mix, meaning a bottle can go for a crazy number of tankfuls. TMax on the other hand, is a 1+4 mix, meaning that it's much easier to mix, although won't go quite so far. I've also been looking a lot more into things like how often developer can be re-used, as I'd previously just used the Ilfotec as single-shot, using it once then pouring it away.

All I need to get down to business are a couple more Irn Bru bottles for storing water, and to find what I've done with my neg holder sheets, so that I've actually got somewhere to put the films once I've processed them.

If you've any feedback or hints/tips you'd like to share, please feel free to add comments to this post :-)

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